tapestry-singers-logo.jpgTAPESTRY SINGERS

Tapestry Singers presents major concerts at Christmas and in the late spring and special event performances by invitation.

Long-Time Regional Group
Based in Puyallup for decades, Tapestry Singers comprises vocal musicians from throughout the South Sound. The group sings SATB arrangements, including spirituals, madrigals, Broadway, folk, patriotic, and classical works.

We rehearse at First Christian Church, 623 9th Avenue, Puyallup, WA. Feel free to visit our rehearsals at 7:00 pm on any Thursday evening.

​Tapestry breaks for summer and meets from September through May each year. Rehearsals take place at First Christian Church in Puyallup. Occasional school events require alternate rehearsal sites which will be announced in advance.

Tapestry presents major concerts at Christmas and in late spring, as well as intermittent fundraisers and special event performances by invitation.

If you have SATB choir experience and would like more information about joining Tapestry Singers, or if you would like our group to perform for your special event, please contact:

(253) 848-3087
