By Jan Hoy
Made of Corten Steel
2023-2025 Rotating Gallery, $24000.00
Artist Statement
About Jan Hoy
Jan Hoy is a graduate of the University of Washington (BFA) who has a long
career in both creating and teaching art. Jan’s focus is on design, and while her
teaching involved the design of textiles, fashion, and interiors, her oeuvre consists
primarily of sculptures. She works in mixed media, clay, steel, and bronze, and her
smaller works have been featured in galleries up and down the West Coast. Her
public art - large works in steel and bronze – can be seen in cities throughout the
Northwest. Jan is fascinated by how forms – both geometric and organic, combine
and interact. In her words, “How does a form that curves back on itself resolve
perfectly? After years of reflecting on that, ’Intersection’ answered the question
for me. Rather than become a spiral, it intersected with itself and stopped.”